
HuaweiAscendG7specscomparedtoHuaweiAscendP7SapphireEdition.Detailedup-do-datespecificationsshownsidebyside.,HuaweiAscendG7specscomparedtoHuaweiAscendP7.Detailedup-do-datespecificationsshownsidebyside.,Comparisonbetween:-HuaweiAscendG7-HuaweiAscendP7·Brandandmodel·Design·SIMcard·Networks·Mobilenetworktechnologiesandbandwidth·Operating ...,HuaweiAscendG7vsHuaweiAscendP7;Design.weight.165g;Displa...

Compare Huawei Ascend G7 vs. Huawei ...

Huawei Ascend G7 specs compared to Huawei Ascend P7 Sapphire Edition. Detailed up-do-date specifications shown side by side.

Compare Huawei Ascend G7 vs. Huawei Ascend P7

Huawei Ascend G7 specs compared to Huawei Ascend P7. Detailed up-do-date specifications shown side by side.

Comparison between:

Comparison between: - Huawei Ascend G7 - Huawei Ascend P7 · Brand and model · Design · SIM card · Networks · Mobile network technologies and bandwidth · Operating ...

Huawei Ascend G7 vs Huawei Ascend P7

Huawei Ascend G7 vs Huawei Ascend P7 ; Design. weight. 165 g ; Display. screen size. 5.5 ; Performance. internal storage. 16GB ; Cameras. megapixels (main camera).

Huawei Ascend G7 vs. Huawei Ascend P7 Sapphire Edition

Huawei Ascend G7 vs. Huawei Ascend P7 Sapphire Edition ; Selfie Camera(s). 5-MP. 8-MP ; Computing. Snapdragon SoC; 2GB RAM; 16GB Storage; MicroSD (32GB max.).

華為Ascend Mate 7、G7 以及藍寶石版P7 大陸售價公佈

2014年9月12日 — 配備6 吋螢幕、麒麟925 處理器、指紋辨識的Ascend Mate 7,2GB RAM + 16GB 容量和3GB RAM + 32GB 容量兩個版本的售價分別為人民幣2,999 元(約HK$3,790 / ...

華為p7 - 優惠推薦

【三大保證,保固一年】華為HUAWEI原廠快充頭G7 plus/GR5/P7/P6/P8/P8 lite/P9 Plus. $300. 已售出1. 臺中市北區 · HUAWEI華為P7 P8 P9 Y7s NOVA 2i/NOVA3/NOVA 3i/Y7 ...


华为的p7在总体上是要更加出色。1、P7用起来很流畅,支持4G,浏览网页和打开图片的速度很快,操作页面处理的简洁自然,1、后置搭载的是一颗1300万Sony第四代BSI堆栈式 ...